It’s a blog!

or something.

If you haven’t guessed yet, this will be about LotRO (aka Lord of the Rings Online). This particular post is a Mission Manifest/About that WordPress made me do and I’m having a hard time trying not rewriting it over and over. And the woes of making a proper theme still await me.


Well, from time to time I’m having urges to post various stuff but neither the official forums nor my little messageboard (nor Lorebook) seem to be suited for that. So I thought I’d give blogging a chance.

Who am I?

In the world of LotRO I am known (at least to some) by the name of Aeled (or Æled if you prefer)  – my main’s name. I planned to name this blog after him, but then I realized you are going to have a hard time with the ‘makhiel’ part. Makhiel is my other name (yes, I use several, you don’t?) – it’s sorta my everyday-use nickname.

I play on Laurelin, which is an European server. I also have a character on Bullroarer and a soon-to-be-available-again character on Landroval.  I am an EU lifer, made the deal at the start of this summer, after two years of playing. My main is a level 65 Captain – Aeled Reniannen (that name is half Rohiric, half Elvish in case you wonder). He hails from the plains of Rohan, hence the ‘strayed’, being quite far away from home. He also happens to be an officer in the Leaves of the Malinorni kinship. His “second in command” is another level 65 – Nendhíniel – an Elven Wardenette. I also happen to have a mid-level Champion and Rune-Keeper, a Lore-master and a barely touched Minstrel. And then a Warg and a Spider.

In real life I am and for the next few years I plan to be an IT student. I live in Czech Republic, a small country in the middle of Europe. And thus my tweets, facebook updates are sometimes in Czech and sometimes in English,  not to mention other languages; don’t worry though, this site will be in English, mostly. What else? I am weird but then, who isn’t? I love Tolkien’s work, though I am one of those who’ve seen the movies first (well, just the first one but still). I know stuff, lots of in most cases useless stuff – such as a good deal of Sindarin which comes handy in LotRO though. I also read a lot.

I’ve never blogged before so I’m curious what comes out of this.

What am I going to be posting about?

I guess most of my posts will be covering my various adventures in Middle-earth, quite possibly a few guides may occur and then some things about Lorebook I happen to be editing every now and then. And of course miscellany, mustn’t forget miscellany.

I will attempt to post some kind of round-up every week and irregular stuff in-between. I assume right from the start the frequency of updates will be high thus setting an unreachable bar for later.

And that should be enough for the first post.