So it begins …

As you probably are aware, the US servers are up for the head-start and people are awaiting the arrival of F2P players, read ravaging hordes thereof :)

Yesterday, after the dev chat (radiance will be leaving!) the patch servers went up and I experienced one of the quickest patches, it barely took an hour. Unfortunately the servers did get up much later – at about 2 a.m. when I was already in bed. But they’re up now and I need to roll a Free character on Landroval anyway. I’m thinking about an Elven Hunter, the other choices are Guardian (and I’m not sure I want to roll one) and Burglar (which I really don’t want to roll). I usually spend hours inventing a name for my characters but fortunately I got one spare – Fandiriel – and I hope it’s not taken. By the time I’m writing this Landroval is probably mostly sleeping so I am going to listen to the Hunter roundtable and see if I’d like a hunter :)

Meanwhile: EU servers continue to go on as if nothing was happening and Codies haven’t really told us anything. I can only hope I will be patched on Friday. I expect Enedwaith to be pretty crowded the first week so I’m probably not heading there right from the start, though from what I have seen the area is just beautiful. What I am gonna do is enjoy my new wardrobe, my vault contains about 50 pieces of clothing a good quarter of which are cloaks and with all the chests bought I don’t have much space in there.  After that some tedious respending of LI points and Skirmish Marks and then I’d like to visit some renewed instanced.

So see you in Middle-earth, from now on at both sides of the Pond (Laurelin and Landroval).

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