What day is today?

It’s LotRo launch day. The launch of F2P in Europe anyway. After nearly 2 months we’re finally getting it!

My plan was to start this blog prior to F2P launch which I did of course but due to the delays I haven’t had much to write about. I started a character on Landroval while taking a break from Laurelin, now that we’re back to business I’ll try to find a way to keep playing on both sides of the Pond.

Anyway today will be a busy day, while I don’t expect the patch servers to come up for a few more hours, which is good since I got some TV shows to catch up on, there will be much work to do. First thing I’m going to do is to shout a big thank you to Codemasters. After that there will be much respending of LI points and Skirmish Marks across several characters. Finally Wardrobe – my main vault chest (oh and the new vault comes as well) is full of cloaks, helmets and other stuff. After upgrading and filling up the wardrobe as much as possible I plan to head to Celondim, craft a few Copper Necklaces (necklaces seems to be neglected as a quest rewards) and hand them out to new players I happen to meet while spending the evening on advice channel. If that wasn’t enough the Haunted Burrow will be opened for business and I have to stop by as well. So those would be the short-term plans. The long-ish-term plans include getting some new armor from Helegrod, looking forward to raiding in there as I have only been there once about 3 months ago and that was only the drake hatchery and Thorog. Another thing I need to get preferably before the November update hits us is Kindred reputation with several factions so I can receive the shiny new horses, especially the horse of Elf-lords look really good. And one last thing – I need to get the Travellers Hood from the Store.

So that would be it, looking forward to a shinier Middle-earth.
